What is coffee? Covers: the anatomy of the coffee plant; the coffee product cycle; a global overview of coffee.
What is green grading? Covers: Green Grading Protocols; How to green grade coffee using the handbook and illustrated poster; Moisture content; Green Bean Density; Taints and Faults.
What is coffee cupping? Split into three parts: Olfaction (Smell); Gustation (Taste) and Mouth-feel; Aromas and Tastes; Taints and Faults.
What is advanced cupping? Covers SCAA Cupping Protocols and the SCAA Cupping Form.
What is coffee brewing? Covers: What are the different methods of brewing?; What are the advantages / disadvantages? ; What equipment is required?; Best coffee storage practice.
Each module - consists of a three hour session - which includes theory and practice.
Morning sessions will run from 08h30 to 11h30
Afternoon sessions will run from 13h30 to 16h30
Please contact us for more information on our training schedule.
© Copyright Bean There Coffee Malawi